Experiencing point of service gave me the invaluable opportunity to witness the immediate reaction of our customers to our food, our service, the look and feel of the place (internal graphics and shopwindow displays), the packaging of the food; the POS! It allowed us to appreciate first-hand what succeeded and what did not, allowing us to adapt, improve and progress with our services.
Owning Foodwrks was a very satisfying time, being there from its initial concept, to the reality of it’s daily and varied challenges; facing problems and coming up with solutions. As a result I have empathy and understanding for other business owners, as well as the experience and confidence to help them realise a more complete vision of their own business.
It may not sound ground breaking but in 2003 when we first started Foodwrks, delivering gourmet meals to our clients, M&S weren't even doing ‘dine in for two’!