Flying Start Tuition evolved from a kitchen table start up company in 2009, into a thriving business venture for entrepreneur Sian.
Flying Start Tuition is a company that aims to take the stress out of schoolwork and maximise a child’s success. It focuses on providing dynamic, effective tuition for children aged five to sixteen, whether they need assistance preparing for exams or just need a little extra help with lessons. The brand needed to reflect their unique position, and style, in providing educational support. Working alongside the company’s director, Sian, it was important to convey the extra boost and confidence Flying Start Tuition aims to give all its children.
Below are some examples from over the years…

Since the initial design of the logo over 10 years ago, we have continued to evolve and develop the brand...

Internal and external posters to promote courses and services of the six Flying Start Tuition venues.

Fun and informative postcards to highlight the wide range of courses and services Flying Start Tuition have to offer.

Promotional items
Book bags, pens, branded stickers, progression charts, 11+ graduation t-shits, drink bottles and infographics posters.
The creation of bug bird, a loveable character based on the Flying Start Tuition logo - this cheeky, fun character became part of the brand.

Eleven plus material - Flying Start Tuition’s practice 11+ test papers, which were then developed further, into a branded ‘Mocks in a Box’ for practice at home.
Mocks in a Box contains everything you need for realistic 11 Plus exam practice in one handy box!
Suitable for students sitting the 11+ in a range of counties, our Mocks in a Box contains mixed test papers covering a variety of maths, English, verbal and non-verbal reasoning question types.
Each box contains a full set of ten (or twenty if you buy the Bumper Mocks in a Box) test papers, a handy timer, a pencil, a pen, stickers, a reward chart, a mini mascot and a guide full of useful tips for exam success. Click here to go to their shop.

A sample of print and online advertising with social media support.